Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University

Mechanics of Materials Laboratory

  • 研究設備
  • Nanoindentor
  • Picoindenter
  • MTS&Accessories
  • Sputter
  • Microscope/Camera
  • BuehlerSeries
  • Furnace
  • SolarSimulator
  • Arc melting furnace

Carl Zeiss A1 金相顯微鏡


  本實驗室之德國蔡司Axio Lab A1反射光顯微鏡配備同廠之AxioCam ERC 5s CMOS攝影機、量測軟體及EC Epiplan-Neofluar高階物鏡,可進行高達500倍之明暗視野及偏光觀察拍攝。


Carl Zeiss A2m 分光顯微鏡


  本實驗室之德國蔡司Axio Lab A2 分光顯微鏡 可量測微小區域(10 μm x 10 μm)或一般試片之穿透率、反射率,用於量測超穎材料或LED等光譜


Optem 變焦顯微鏡

   配合MTS 材料測試實時觀察用之顯微鏡,特別設計之鏡頭工作距離可達10cm並同時提供約200倍之放大倍率。除標準之同軸光源外顯微鏡亦備有獨立光源可作立體顯微觀察。



非接觸式溫度量測儀 (Infrared Thermal Camera)

FLIR 紅外線熱像儀





Large and bright LCD
Sharp thermal images and easy-to-read temperature values are presented on the touch screen LCD display.

Laserpointer and LED light
  Activate the built in laser pointer and associate the hot spot you see on the LCD with the real target in the field. A LED light assures clear visual images.

  Transfer images wirelessly to a smart phone or tablet PC.

Thermal Fusion
  Merges visual and infrared images to offer better analysis.

Picture-in-Picture (PiP)
  With the PiP-function it is easy to locate areas of interest.

  FLIR MeterLink technology simplifies the work in electrical or building inspections by making it possible to transfer, via Bluetooth®, the data acquired by an Extech clampmeter or multi function moisture meter and psychrometer into the infrared camera. The MeterLink technology saves time and eliminates the risk of erroneous records or notes.

Instant reports
  Create instant reports directly in camera. Easy to copy reports to USB.

Text and voice annotations
  Text comments can be made from a pre-defined list or by using the touch screen. A headset can be connected to make voice annotations.

Visual camera
  Visible light camera makes observing and inspecting faster and easier.


Established by Marshall.SCLin(林詩哲) & Y.C.Liao(廖沂嘉)
Copyright © 2012 國立台灣大學 材料科學與工程學系 材料力學實驗室

10617 臺北市羅斯福路四段一號 工學院綜合大樓 461 347室
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan(R.O.C)
College of Engineering Building Room461 (Room347)
電話 (Phone):+886-2-3366-1360(461室) :+886-2-3366-1560(347室)