Masakazu Aono (アオノ マサカズ)

  • Title: Distinguished Research Chair Professor
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Education:

    M.S. and Ph.D., The University of Tokyo, Japan (1967~1972)

    B.A., Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (1963~1967)

  • Main experience:

    2007~persent International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics, NIMS


    2007~2016 Minstry of Education,Culture,Science and Technology of Japan


    2006~2007 Nano-System Functionality Center, NIMS


  • Awards:

    2013─ Nanoscience Prize, International ASCIN 2013 ("Pioneering Work on Nanoscale Fabrication and Measurement")
    2012─ Outstanding Paper Award, Japan Society of Applied Physics ("Volatile/Nonvolatile Dual-functional Atomic Switches")
    2010─ Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (USA) (Pioneering and Continuing Work on Various Fields of Nanotechnology")
    2007─ Advanced Grant of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Technology of Japan (WPI Program)
    2007─ Fellow of the Japan Society of Applied Physics
    2004─ Surface Science Society of Japan Prize
    2004─ Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK)
    2003─ Fellow of the American Vacuum Society
    1992─ Nikkei Business Publishers' Award for Advanced Technology
    1985─ Norio Kumagai Prize of the Vacuum Science Society of Japan
    1983─ Minister of Science and Technology Agency Award

  • Selected Publication:
