Alex K. Y. Jen

  • Title: Distinguished Professor and Chairman
  • E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Education:

    Ph. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1984

  • Research Topics:

    Organic Solar Cell


  • Main experience:

    Director, UW Institute of Advanced Materials for Energy 1/11-present
    Institute of Advanced Materials & Technology, University of Washington Founding Director 4/06-12/10
    Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Washington 
    Chair 9/07-present
    Acting Chair 9/05-8/07
    Boeing-Johnson Chair Professor 12/99-present
    Professor, Department of Chemistry 9/03-present

  • Awards:

    4/12 National 1000 Talent Professor, Zhejiang University
    4/12 Chair Professor, Polymer Science & Engineering, Zhejiang University
    3/12 MRS Fellow, Materials Research Society, USA
    8/11 Academician, Washington State Academy of Science
    7/11 ACS Fellow, The American Chemical Society 
    8/09 World-Class University Professor, National Researching Foundation, Korea University, Korea
    8/09 Honorable Professor, East China University of Science & Technology
    3/09 PMSE Fellow, The American Chemical Society, Div. of Poly. Mater. Sci. Eng.
    11/07 OSA Fellow, The Optical Society of America
    5/07 Faculty Innovator for Research Award, College of Engineering, University of Washington
    1/07 Changjiang Endowed Chair Professor, Ministry of Education, Wuhan University, China
    6/06 National Research Council Lectureship, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
    12/06 SPIE Fellow, The International Society of Optical Engineering
    10/05 AAAS Fellow, The American Association for the Advancement of Science
    3/03 Visiting Professor, Chinese University, Hong Kong
    12/99 Boeing-Johnson Endowed Chair, University of Washington
    12/95 Founder’s Award, ROI Technology
    3/94 Outstanding Achievement Award, Advanced Materials Laboratory, EniChem America
    3/92 National Research Council Lectureship to promote NLO materials research, Taiwan
    11/89 Outstanding Achievement Award, President, EniChem America Inc.
    5/81 Rohm & Hass Research Fellowship, University of Pennsylvania