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Nov. 11, 2024 Seminar Speech

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Speaker: Dr.Yunzhi Wang

Topic: Transformation and Deformation Pathway Engineering and Novel Alloy Design Strategies

Time: Nov. 11, 2024  AM 10:20 ~12:10

Location: Room 102, Boya Lecture Building

Summary of Speech:

In this presentation, we demonstrate novel alloy design strategies inspired by experimental findings and guided by mechanism-based modeling and simulation. Our first example highlights the use of compositional modulations at nano- and micro-meter scales to mitigate autocatalysis and tailor stress-strain behaviors during superelastic and plastic deformations. It is noteworthy that autocatalysis, propelled by long-range elastic interactions, is a critical feature inherent in all shear deformation processes, whether facilitated by dislocations, twinning, structural transformation in crystalline solids, or shear-transformation-zones (STZ) in metallic glasses. This phenomenon leads to strain avalanches and stress plateaus in stress-strain curves. Therefore, effective microstructural engineering is essential to suppress autocatalysis and achieve desired stress-strain behaviors in alloys. In our second example, we illustrate the utilization of mechanically driven localized phase transformations at stacking faults and deformation twin boundaries to design two distinct types of alloys: (a) Ni-base superalloys featuring self-healing ’ precipitates and exceptional creep resistance, and (b) NiTi shape memory alloys exhibiting linear superelasticity, negligible hysteresis, and ultralow young’s modulus.

About the Speaker:

Service Unit: Dept of Materials Sci and Eng, Ohio State University

Education and Research Experience:

Prof. Wang’s research interests span the areas of modeling and simulation of microstructure evolution during phase transformation and deformation in structural materials, shape memory alloys and metallic glasses. Prof. Wang received his Ph.D. (1995) in Materials Science from Rutgers University. He has published over 300 refereed journal articles (with over 130 in Acta Materialia). His major awards include NSF CAREER Award, Harrison Faculty Award for Excellence in Engineering Education from Ohio State University, Fraunhofer Bessel Research Award from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Faculty of Engineering Distinguished Scholar from Monash University, and Distinguished Scientist/Engineer Award, Cyril Stanley Smith Award, William Hume-Rothery Award, and Fellow Award from TMS