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演 講 人:陳信龍 博士
演講題目: Complex Spherical Phase of Block Copolymer
服務單位/職 稱:
Microphase separation of block copolymer (BCP) can generate spherical micelles at large compositional asymmetry. Like the colloidal particles, the interaction between the micelles, which is usually repulsive in nature, leads to their organization into long-range ordered lattices. The selection of the stable packing lattice of BCP micelles is a complex problem, because the micelles are deformed into the polyhedra to attain uniform segmental density. In this case, the free energy of the intermicellar interaction determined by the contact area between the micelles is coupled with the intramicellar free energy; both are dependent on the geometry of the deformed micelles determined by the packing lattice. The lattice structure neat BCP has been found to include not only the canonical lattices such as the commonly observed body-centered cubic (BCC) and the rarely observed close-packed lattices, but also the low-symmetry phases such as the Frank-Kasper (FK) phase and quasicrystal.
In this lecture, I will present our recent findings of the complexity of the spherical phase of BCP beyond the classical BCC phase, including: (1) emergence of a lattice entropy-stabilized BCC phase; (2) thermally reversible variation of the extent of stacking fault in HCP phase; hinting the thermodynamic nature of stacking fault in soft colloids; (3) the emergence of Laves C14 phase in the fuzzy colloid regime, highlighting the significance of size dispersity of micelles for the formation of the low-symmetry phase.
畢業學校 |
國別 |
主修學門系所 |
學位 |
麻州大學 |
美國 |
高分子科學與工程系 |
博士 (1994) |
明志工專 |
中華民國 |
化學工程科 |
證書(1988) |
服務機關 |
服務部門 |
職稱 |
現職: |
國立清華大學 |
化工系 |
教授(2001迄今) |
經歷: |
國立清華大學 |
化工系 |
副教授 (1997-2001) |
長庚大學 |
化工系 |
副教授(1994-1997) |
國立清華大學 |
工學院 |
副院長(2016-2022) |
中華民國高分學會 |
理事長(2020-2022) |
國科會 |
高分子學門 |
召集人(2006-2009) |