日本東京大學Shinji Hara教授將於6月中來台進行學術交流訪問,並於6月13日受邀至台大電機系進行演講。
講題: Glocal(Global/Local)Control for Hierarchically Networked Dynamical Systems:
Theoretical Foundation towards Practical Applications
時間: 112年6月13日 (二) 上午10:00 ~ 11:30
講者: Prof. Shinji Hara
Biography: Shinji Hara received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in 1974, 1976, and 1981, respectively. In 1984, he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology as an Associate Professor and served as a Full Professor for ten years. From 2002 to 2017 he was a Full Professor in the Department of Information Physics and Computing at the University of Tokyo. He is Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology and the University of Tokyo. His current research interests are in robust control, decentralized cooperative control for large-scale networked dynamical systems, system biology, and glocal control.
Dr. Hara has received many awards in control including the George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE Control System Society in 2006. He was the President of SICE (Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan) in 2009, a Vice President of the IEEE Control Systems Society in 2009 to 2010, and an IFAC Council member from 2011 to 2017. He is a Fellow of IFAC, IEEE, and SICE.
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