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111-2專題討論計分標準 Seminar Grading standard

一.  評分標準 Grading Standard

基本分83 Basic Score 83

發問 +6 Ask a question +6

本學期只能發問二次Only 2 questions can be asked by 1 student this semester.

請假 +0 Ask for a leave

扣分 -3 To have marks deducted due to bad behaviors.

遲到 -3 Late

缺席 -5 Absence

二.  扣分 To have marks deducted

缺席一次扣5分。5 points deducted for one absence

遲到一次扣3分。3 points deducted once for being late

請假時不論假別(含事假、喪假、病假、公假),填寫假單繳交完成請假手續皆不扣分。事假與公假需於上課之前(最晚週五下班前)提出,病假可於事後一週內補申請,但需醫院證明,逾期不予受理。Regardless of the type of leaves (including personal leave, bereavement leave, sick leave, public leave), no points will be deducted if you fill in the leave form and complete the leave procedures. Personal leave and public leave must be submitted before class (last Friday before finishing work). Sick leave can be applied for within one week after the incident, but a hospital certificate is required. Overdue will not be accepted.

演講中請勿睡覺、無故離席、講話、吃東西、使用手機、電腦等3C產品,一次扣3分。Do not sleep, leave without reasons, talk, eat, use mobile phones, computers and other 3C products during the       speech. 3 points will be deducted at each time.

. 注意事項 Precautions

1.請特別注意所上公告之演講時程與地點;如時間或地點有特別更改會提前公布於系辦網頁及專討網頁。Please pay attention to the announced schedule and location; if there are special changes to the time or location, it will be announced in advance on the department office webpage.

2.點名方式:本學期有固定座位,上課時請依座位表入座,點名時依座位表點名,有疑義者請與陳助教 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 聯繫。Roll call method: There are fixed seats for this semester. Please take your seat according to the seating plan during class, if you have any doubts, please contact Mrs. Chen at Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 .

3.加分、扣分等相關紀錄將公佈在系上專討網頁上,若有問題,請於一週內(下次上課前)與助教討論,逾期不予受理。Adding points, deductions, and other related records will be published on the department's webpage. If you have any questions, please discuss with the Mrs. Chen within one week (before the next class). Overdue will not be accepted.

4.欲請假者請上網請假後截圖,交至系辦給陳明恩助教。Those who wish to apply for a leave should apply online then take a screen shot and submit it to Mrs. Chen in the department office.

5.上課時程、加扣分相關記錄及請假單可於專討網頁下載。Class schedules, points deduction related records and leave forms can be downloaded from the department website.

6.本計分規則未列事項,則依任課教師之指示辦理。Matters not listed in this scoring rule shall be handled in accordance with the instruction of the Professor.