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Invitation of Applications for Multiple Tenure-track Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor Positions

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Invitation of Applications for Multiple Tenure-track Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor Positions in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering National Taiwan University

Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. degree in science/engineering discipline and are experts in any of the following areas: metallic materials, processing of metals, energy ceramics, structural ceramics, advanced ceramics, and ceramic-based composites. Two tenure-track faculty positions in the department are available, starting from August 1, 2022.

The ability to teach in English is also required. Candidates who can teach 2-3 of the following courses will be highly regarded: crystallography, physical metallurgy, mechanical behavior of materials, physical ceramics, electroceramics, and ceramic-based composites.

Candidates should, by December 31, 2021 deadline, submit his/her C.V., a photocopy of Ph.D. degree certificate (a certified copy is required if candidates pass the interview stage), contact information including e-mail addresses of three referees (to apply for an assistant professor position, the referees should include the doctoral dissertation supervisor), undergraduate and graduate transcripts, 3 to 5 off-prints of recent publications (within 5 years), a brief statement of future research interests, and a brief statement of teaching plan and course outlines.

To strengthen the recruitment and retention of exceptional academic and research talent, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has launched the Yushan Project, which focuses on flexible teaching and research salaries. Candidates who fulfill the requirements of the Yushan Project are encouraged to apply.

Faculty Recruiting Committee

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

National Taiwan University

No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road

Taipei 10617, Taiwan


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