International Community of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Recently, the international community for the members of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering was organized by the international professor Yulia Galagan. At this moment there are eight international members at the Department including one professor, two postdoctoral researchers, two Ph.D., and three Master's students. All the members believe that in the near future more international students will be admitted, and the community will grow. The goal of the international community is to support each other in daily life, because there might be some challenges for foreigners living in Taiwan. The idea of creating an international community was strongly supported by its members. In the future, we are aimed to lounge the International Club next to the international community. The club will not only support the international members but also encourage friendship between Taiwanese and International students and facilitate cultural and lingual exchange. Therefore, we encourage Taiwanese students and faculties to support this initiative and join the International Club. The International Club is expected to be a diverse group open to every member of the Department regardless of their culture and background. Our goal is to create a space of inclusivity where ideas across cultures are shared and celebrated.