Speaker: Professor Chien-Chun Chen
Topic: Atomic Electron Tomography
Speaker:Professor Chien-Chun Chen
Organization:Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University
Topic:Atomic Electron Tomography
Date:10:20 , 2020.6.1
Location:Room 203, College of Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles (U.S.A.) / Physics / PhD
National Taiwan University / Physics / MS
National Taiwan University / Physics / BS
Work Experience:
National Tsing Hua University / Department of Engineering and System Science / Assistant Professor
National Applied Research Laboratories / Instrument Technology Research Center / Assistant Research Fellow
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center / Assistant Research Fellow
National Sun Yat-sen University / Department of Physics / Assistant Professor
Three-dimensional (3D) imaging and structural determination have played an extremely important role in the evolution of modern science and technology. X-ray crystallography, a 100-year-established method based on the global average of thousands to millions of identical unit cells, remains the only method to determine 3D structures at atomic resolution. However, visualizing local atomic structures within individual samples (e.g., defects and dislocations) has become much more important in modern science due to their capability of dramatically changing the properties of materials. More recently, with advancements of electron microscopy, the alternative methodology, electron tomography (ET), has appeared its great potential to visualize 3D structures of local structures at atomic resolution. By combining state-of-the-art scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with high-angle annual dark field (HAADF) detector and a novel tomographic reconstruction technique, known as equally sloped tomography (EST), we have achieved electron tomography at atomic resolution and identified all atoms within the nanoparticle. I will introduce the fundamentals of atomic electron tomography and current developments of this technique in Taiwan.