Mr. Pei-Huan Lee Awarded an " Energy & Environmental Science Poster Prize " at the 11th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics

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Prof. Wei-Fang Su's Ph. D. student: Mr. Pei-Huan Lee  has been awarded an " Energy & Environmental Science Poster Prize " at the 11th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics. The 11th Asian Conference on Organic Electronics was held on November 6-9, 2019 in New Taipei City. Asian Conference on Organic Electronics (A-COE) provides a premier platform to the research personnel predominantly from Asia and Asia-pacific for the exchange of stimulating ideas, in-depth discussions, and share the latest research data in the field of cutting-edge research topics related to OLEDs, OPVs, DSCs, perovskite based electronics, OFETs, OLETs, organic memories, sensors, emerging organic electronics and so on.

