Academic Regulations for Master’s Degree Students

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Academic Regulations for Master’s Degree Students (PDF)

 Credits and Curriculum:

Master's students are required to obtain at least 27 credits during their Master’s study towards graduation. Additionally, starting from August 2018, Master’s students are required to take at least three semesters of the "M. S. Special Topics" course, whose credits do not count towards graduation. Master’s students are also required to take the online "Academic ethics" course, which carries no credit. The required allocation of the 27 graduation credits is as follows:

(1) 3 credits from taking the ‘Seminar’ course offered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) for three semesters;

(2) 6 or more credits from taking the fundamental courses (see list below) offered by the MSE department;

(3) 12 or more credits from taking the specialized courses (see list below) offered by the MSE department;

(4) Up to 6 credits of graduate-level courses offered by any department at NTU, taken with the approval of the students' thesis advisors.

MSE Graduate-Level Courses:

Fundamental Courses:

(1) Metals, Processing, and Ceramics Division:

Thermodynamics of Materials, Kinetics of Materials, Crystal Structure, Electron Microscopy, Solid-state Physics, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Phase Transformation, Failure Analysis

(2) Polymers and soft Materials Dvision:

Thermodynamics of Materials, Kinetics of Materials, Polymer, Polymer Physics I: in Solid State, Electron Microscopy, Quantum Chemistry of Materials, Nanomaterials

(3) Electronic Materials Division:

Thermodynamics of Materials, Kinetics of Materials, Crystal Structure, Electron Microscopy, Solid-state Physics, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Optoelectronic Materials, Modern Physics

Specialized Courses:

The list for specialized courses consists of all graduate-level courses offered by the MSE department . "Seminar", "M. S. Thesis" and "M. S. Special Topics" excluded as specialized courses.

International Students:

If an international Master's student cannot obtain enough credits to fulfill the graduation credits requirements due to the lack of English-taught courses offered by the MSE department, the student is allowed to take English-taught courses related to MSE offered by the NTU system as substitute courses. Such courses must be approved by the student's advisor(s) to be considered as graduation credits. At the start of each semester, such a student is required to submit a list of courses to be taken that semester, with the approval and signature of his/her thesis advisor(s), to the department Curriculum Committee.

Credits Transfer:

Master’s students who had taken graduate-level courses offered by NTU MSE or other departments before entering the Master’s program have the choice to transfer the credits of up to two of such courses with the approval of both their advisors and the Department Curriculum Committee, provided the requirements listed below are met:

(1) To transfer the credits of a previously taken graduate-level course offered by the NTU MSE department, the applicant must be ranked among the top 50% of the class of the course.

(2) Students are allowed to transfer the credits of at most one previously taken graduate-level course offered by other departments. To do so, the applicant must have received a grade of A- or above in the course to be transferred. The subject of such a course must reasonably match that of an MSE graduate-level course offered within three years from the date of application. Applicants are required to submit application forms signed by advisors with the syllabus of the course and their official academic transcript showing their grade in the course to the Department Curriculum Committee for approval.

Any course-related disputes from Master’s students should be submitted with the approval and signature of their thesis advisors to the Department Curriculum Committee for consideration.



Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Application Form for Credit Transfer to Master’s Program 


Name of Applicant



Title of the Previously Taken Graduate-Level Course Offered by Another Academic Program



Title of the NTU MSE Course Whose Subject Matches that of the Course to be Transferred (Offered within Three Academic Years)



Attached Materials


Official Academic Transcript


Syllabus of the Course to be Transferred


Signature of Advisor(s)


