5/31 Speech

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Speaker: Prof. Jianguo Guan

Topic: SelfPropelled Micro and Nanomotors

SpeakerProf. Jianguo Guan


State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Materials Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology

TopicSelfPropelled Micro and Nanomotors Techniques

Date14:00 - 15:00 , 2019.5.31

LocationRoom 238, College of Engineering


Guan is the Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of MOE, the Chief Professor and doctoral tutor of the Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT), China, the Dean for the International School of Materials Science and Engineering, WHUT. He is also the national candidate of the New Century Millions of Talents Project”, the first selection of the Top Talents Lead Cultivation Project, the academic leader of the Innovation Group Project of Hubei Province and the winner of the Special Government allowances of the State Council. Now, he is simultaneously working as the director of the Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, the Vice-president of Micro/Nano-Actuators and Microsystems Division, Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, the member of the group of experts on a special technology of General Armament, the editorial board members of Nanomaterials, Micromachines and Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Material Science Edition, Journal of Functional Materials and Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology, etc., the evaluation experts of the National Science and Technology Award, the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Hubei Science and Technology Award, etc. and the reviewers of more than 50 international and domestic academic journals, including Adv Mater, J Am Chem Soc, Nano Lett, Angew Chem, and Adv Funct Mater, etc.

Since Guan built up the Group of Nanocomposites and Functional Composite Materials in 1997, over 80 projects have been taken charge including 4 projects of 863 hi-tech programs, 6 JPPT projects for national key equipment, 3 Pre-research Projects for the General Equipment Department, and so on. The developed products have been applied in engineering on the important military equipment on a large-scale. He has co-authored more than 236 papers in SCI-indxed peer-reviewed journals including Chem Soc Rev, Adv Mater, Angew Chem Int Ed, Nano Lett, Adv Funct Mater, ACS Nano etc., as well as 37 authorized patents. He has been awarded by several recognized Science and Technology Awards from Chinese government because of his academic achievements.

His research interests include metamaterials, photonic crystals, micro and nanomotors, electromagnetic wave absorbing camouflage and electromagnetic shielding composite materials.