Speaker: Prof. Chen-Wiegart 1, Dr. Lutz Wiegart 2
Topic: Synchrotron Multi-Dimensional & Multi-Modal Study of Functional Materials 1, Investigating Out-of-equilibrium Processes with Time-resolved Coherent X-ray Scattering 2
Speaker:Prof. Chen-Wiegart 1, Dr. Lutz Wiegart 2
Dept. of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Stony Brook University, New York 1;
Brookhaven National Laboratory 2
Synchrotron Multi-Dimensional & Multi-Modal Study of Functional Materials 1,
Investigating Out-of-equilibrium Processes with Time-resolved Coherent X-ray Scattering 2
Date:10:20 & 11:10 , 2019.3.25
Location:Room 203, College of Engineering
Northwestern University / Materials Science and Engineering / PH.D 1
National Taiwan University / Materials Science and Engineering / B.S. 1
University of Dortmund (Germany) / Physics / PH.D 2
▲ Professor Chen-Wiegart
▲ Doctor Lutz Wiegart