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建立於 2018-07-31, 週二 14:19
最近更新於 2019-08-22, 週四 15:21
發佈於:2018-07-31, 週二 14:22
The research topic "Pulse-Width and Temperature Effect on the Switching Behavior of an Etch-Stop-On-MgO-Barrier Spin-Orbit Torque MRAM Cell" which was conducted by Prof. Chi-Feng Pai, now is available on IEEE Electron Device Letters.
Reference: Pulse-Width and Temperature Effect on the Switching Behavior of an Etch-Stop-On-MgO-Barrier Spin-Orbit Torque MRAM Cell, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Early Access (2018). DOI: 10.1109/LED.2018.2856518