Several Tenured-track Assistant, Associate, Full Professor Positions Available at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering
National Taiwan University
Candidates are expected to have a Ph.D. degree in science/engineering discipline and are experts in any of the following areas: materials processing, metal & metallurgy, energy materials, advanced analytical techniques, materials simulation and advanced novel materials. Several tenured-track faculty positions in the department are available, starting from August 1, 2017 or February 1, 2018.
The ability to teach in English is required. Candidates should, by March 1, 2017 deadline, submit his/her C.V., a copy of Ph.D. degree diploma, letters of three references including their e-mail addresses, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, 3 to 5 off-prints of recent publications, a brief statement of future research interests, and a brief statement of teaching plan and course outline. Applicants for assistant professors should include a letter of recommendation from his/her doctoral dissertation adviser. Candidates who can teach one or more following courses are preferred: Solidification, Kinetics of Materials, Computational Materials Science, Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Advanced Thermodynamics of Materials, and Materials Selection and Design.
Faculty Recruiting Committee
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
National Taiwan University
1 Roosevelt Road, Sec. 4
Taipei 106, Taiwan, R.O.C
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