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演講人:陳光 博士、楊穎 博士


Polysynthetic Twinned TiAl Single Crystals for High Temperature Applications(陳光博士)、

High Energy Density PZT-based Piezoelectric Ceramics and the Application in Small Rotational Wind Energy Harvesters(楊穎博士)



演講人:陳光 博士、楊穎 博士


陳光 博士:南京理工學材料院士
楊穎 博士 :南京航空航天大學


陳光 博士:Polysynthetic Twinned TiAl Single Crystals for High Temperature Applications
楊穎 博士:High Energy Density PZT-based Piezoelectric Ceramics and the Application in Small Rotational Wind Energy Harvesters

演講時間:105年11月14日(星期一) 早上 10 點 10 分



作為第一主研人主持完成的成果中,榮獲教育部技術發明一等獎1項、江蘇省科技一等獎2項、中國產學研合作創新成果獎1項、中國專利優秀獎1項、省部級科技進步二等獎 4 項、三等獎 1 項、國家發明專利近百項(含受理),公開發表學術論文 200 餘篇,出版《金屬玻璃及其複合材料》、《非平衡凝固新型金屬材料》、《新材料概論》等。

長期從事大功率壓電材料、新型功能材料、壓電器件等方面的研究。擔任Energy Harvesting and Systems副主編和國際協調人,是International Workshop on Piezoelectric materials and Application in Actuators(壓電材料及其在作動器上的應用國際研討會 ),Energy Harvesting Workshop(能量收集國際研討會)兩個國際研討會的常設組織委員會委員。已發表SCI收錄論文50餘篇,授權發明專利20餘項。


高溫PST TiAl單晶


本文介紹的成果包括:1)在科學上,發現介面各向異性可以調控片層取向,突破了基於Burgers和Blackburn位相關係β相凝固TiAl合金片層取向無法控制的定論;2)在技術上,發明了非籽晶法PST TiAl單晶製備方法;3)在材料性能上,實現了跨越。所製備的PST TiAl單晶室溫拉伸塑性和屈服強度均值分別為6.9%和708MPa,抗拉強度為978MPa,實現了高強高塑的優異結合,在900℃時的拉伸屈服強度為637MPa,並具有優異的抗蠕變性能,其最小蠕變速率和持久壽命均優於已經成功應用於GEnxTM發動機的4822合金1~2個數量級,有望將目前TiAl合金的使用溫度從650~750℃提高到900℃以上。


Design and Optimization of Small Rotational Piezoelectric Wind Energy Harvesters for Different Load Types and Working Conditions
YANG, Ying*
State Key Laboratory of Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, P. O. Box 359, 29 Yudao Street, Nanjing 210094, China
* Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它

In the future, smart devices are expected to operate autonomously and will be self-powering, self-sensing utilizing ambient sources. With the enormous development in low-power sensors, a self-contained electrical system will be used in practical applications. At the same time, many studies have demonstrated that vibrational energy could be present in the ambient environment. In particular, the vibrational energy produced by combining the mechanical structure and wind energy has been paid more attention recently because wind flow provides a constant source of mechanical energy and this energy can be easily harvested.
This talk will introduce several different small rotational piezoelectric wind energy harvesters which have been designed in recent years. Firstly, a piezoelectric bimorph cantilever polygon with horizontal shaft has been designed and impact-induced resonance proposed to enable effective excitation of the piezoelectric cantilevers' vibration modes and obtain optimum deformation, which enhances the mechanical/electrical energy transformation to improve the output power. And then a vertical shaft wind energy harvester has been proposed as an optimized version of the former one. This vertical shaft Darrieus-type windmill may rotate easily in any wind direction and will have a higher mechanical to electrical energy conversion efficiency. The followed design is a bending rod piezoelectric energy harvester, which is deliberately designed for the extremely high wind speed situation. These small scale piezoelectric wind energy harvesters have been designed, optimized and tested. The output power goes from hundreds microwatts to hundreds milliwatts for different designs. The generated electricity can be stored in a supercapacitor and be used to power small electronic devices or wireless sensor nodes placed in remote locations. In the end, a new composition of high energy density piezoelectric ceramics xPb(Zr0.5Ti0.5)O3-yPb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-(1-x-y)Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3 (xPZT- yPZN- (1-x-y) PNN) with high d33*g33 value will be introduced.