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演 講 者廖楷輝   教授

演講題目:Design of Advanced Light-weight High-entropy Alloys (HEAs)

20180718-Peter K. Liaw

演講人廖楷輝 教授

服務單位Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA

演講題目Design of Advanced Light-weight High-entropy Alloys (HEAs)




Traditional high-temperature materials, such as Ni-based or Co-based superalloys, are heavy and expensive, despite of their outstanding high-temperature performance. However, recent emergence of high-entropy alloys (HEAs) offers new avenues for exploring novel low-cost, great strength-to-weight ratio elevated-temperature structural materials. In the present study, advanced light-weight HEAs (LWHEAs) are designed based on the Al-Cr-Fe-Mn-Ti system, through the integrated high-throughput thermodynamic calculations, first-principles calculations, and experimental methods. These LWEHAs are composed of coherent nano-sized L21 and BCC two-phase structures. Due to the remarkable precipitation strengthening and solid-solution strengthening, the newly-designed light-weight HEAs possess attractive high-temperature strengths, which is comparable with those commercial superalloys.